
The REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE BIOMETRIA was founded in 1983 at São Paulo State University (UNESP) – Campus Jaboticabal under the name of REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE MATEMÁTICA E ESTATÍSTICA.

From 1983 to 2002 the Journal maintained annual periodicity.

In 2003, aiming at a faster circulation of articles, it became a three-monthly publication.

In 2007, the Journal adopted the four-monthly periodicity and received its current name to meet a growing demand for the use of statistical methods in the different fields of biology.

Since January, 2016, the publication of the Journal (electronic only) is under the responsibility of the Department of Statistics, at the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA). Thus, the Journal began a new phase in its history with a new submission system, monitoring and publication of articles using the OJS system.

From 1983 to 2004, all its issues were printed and distributed, by a donation or exchange to 338 teaching and research institutions, of which 229 were national and 109 international. In 2005, the electronic edition of the Journal was inaugurated.

From 1983 to 2015 the journal was financially supported by UNESP, through its Central Coordination for Graduate Education as regards its editorial production, printing and distribution. Since 2016 the Journal has been partially financed by UFLA.

For more than thirty years the Journal has been published without interruption thanks to the voluntary work of its Editors and Reviewers and without charging any kind of fees to authors and readers.