Análise espacial da dengue e o contexto socioeconômico em Rio Claro, São Paulo - Brasil

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Jacqueline DOMINGUES
José Sílvio GOVONE


In this paper we have developed a study of dengue fever in Rio Claro, São Paulo - Brazil. The Municipal Health Foundation of Rio Claro provided data about reported cases of dengue fever in 2011. The main objective was to analyze both the spatial distribution of the disease in the city, by Census tracts, and the relationship of the disease with socioeconomic factors. Two types of spatial models were applied to the data: the SAR model ``- Simultaneous Autoregressive Models and SEM - Simultaneous Error Models. We also fitted the classic linear model, just for comparison to the two spatial models. The results showed that dengue is related to socioeconomic factors and, through the models it was possible to identify which one was statistically significant. Thematic maps have identified the areas that have the highest concentration of the disease.

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Como Citar
DOMINGUES, J., & GOVONE, J. S. (2019). Análise espacial da dengue e o contexto socioeconômico em Rio Claro, São Paulo - Brasil. REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE BIOMETRIA, 37(1), 1–16.