Almost Unbiased Optimum Ratio-type Estimator for Estimating Population Mean in Stratified Sampling in Presence of Non-response

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Poonam Singh
Rajesh Kumar Singh
Madhulika Mishra


In this paper we have proposed classes of ratio-type estimators for finite population mean in presence of non-response in stratified sampling. The properties of the estimators have been discussed. We have also derived optimum choices of scalar constant to reduce the bias in the estimators which make suggested classes of estimators almost unbiased. The expressions of mean square error (MSE) have been derived up to the first order of approximation. We have compared our proposed classes of estimators with natural ratio estimators and with estimator under complete response. Results are also supported by empirical study.

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Como Citar
Singh, P., Kumar Singh, R. ., & Mishra, M. . (2024). Almost Unbiased Optimum Ratio-type Estimator for Estimating Population Mean in Stratified Sampling in Presence of Non-response. REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE BIOMETRIA, 42(1), 68–77.


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